Assign Action Item without Meeting

Action items are discrete units that can be handled by a single person.

To add action item

  1. Open add action item from menu
  2. Set title of action item.
  3. Write its description if needed.
  4. Link the project from drop down.
work space settings
work space settings
  1. Assign members from the populated list.
  2. Select service provider if needed.
  3. Set its start and due date.
  4. Fill rest of the fields and click add.
With Gminutes now you can create an Action Item by adding the title and assigned to. It is not mandatory to fill up the complete fields at the time of creating Action items. You can fill in the details later when you have adequate knowledge. You can re-assign the created Action Items to anyone anytime! Moreover the fields of Action Items are now editable

Edit Action Item

You can now edit the details of Action Items.

You can edit the Description and Comments fields. However the Title can not be edited. You can change the priority, % Done, Start and End Date as well. You can select any group from drop down menu. Its participants will be automatically visible in Assign to field. In this way you can assign action items to the people whose group has been selected.

If you are a new user default group selected will be None. Moreover only super admin, admin, author and only those people can edit Action item details that are given access by their administrator.

You can access this page through two channels:

  1. Go to Dashboard. Click on the Title of Action Items. The page will appear infront of you.
  2. Like wise you can click on Action items -> Action item Listings -> Title of action Items and similar page will appear to edit.
edit action item

All Action Items

Here all the action items are listed that you have created.

Assign Action Items To Meetings

  1. Open Assign Action Items To Meetings from menu.
  2. Select the action items you want to assign a meeting.
  3. Select meeting subject you want to assign the action item.
  4. Click assign.